DATE: Saturday, June 2, 2018 (10:30 AM MTN)
SUBJECT: Happy Saturday! Sunny and Beautiful!
Hi guys,
Happy Summer Time! All I want to do is run around in the sun naked! It’s so warm and sunny and perfect here. The neighbors would probably not appreciate that. Ok, maybe some would be a lot wouldn’t. haha.
We don’t have any vacation plans yet but I do want to go and see our friend Sammy and her hubby down in Mexico soon. I’m so jealous of them. I want to live on a Mexican beach drinking all day. Any of you have experience having a second home or even moving from the US to Mexico? I’m curious how it works out. I hear about so many people loving it and a lot of them stay. Hmmmm, but I do love Colorado so much. It would be great to hear your feedback if you do have any knowledge of the whole process.
We going to go out tonight and try a restaurant specializing in crab (no jokes please) haha. I hope it’s good. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Have a great day (hope your weather is as great as ours)!
~Kisses, Allie