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DATE: Friday, April 4, 2014 (1:38 PM MTN)

TGI Freaking F! YAY!

I’m so glad the weekend is here. I got my work done early as well as my workout so I feel so relaxed right now. Since I have free time I’m on today doing groups and privates on another cam network. You Can Click Here to Find Me! This is a third party cam site that is not affiliated with my site. Feel free to stop in and say “hi”! ☺️

I think the weekend here is supposed to be a little warmer buy rainy/snowy. Of course Monday is supposed to be spectacular! haha. Why is that the way it always works? I’ll still find some trouble to get into this weekend. I always do. 😜

Have a great Friday!! 🍺

💋~Kisses, Allie


I just rejoined your sight hope you had new updates in your video collection. I thought you were going to launch another sight. I really miss you updates and that's why I joined again. I believe you are hottest babe in the front range. Have a great day and can't wait to see your live cam.

Hi Razor, Welcome back! I am revamping my site and am still working on it. Thanks so much for the compliments! I'll be looking for you tomorrow night!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Razor on Sunday, April 6, 2014 at 8:34 AM MTN