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DATE: Friday, November 29, 2013 (2:17 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: The Day After!

Hi everyone,

My journal entry didn't post when I enter it yesterday so it went up late. Sorry about that. I hope you guys had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday (if you're in the United States of course).
I'm recovering from an overdose of food. haha. We had an amazing time with family and I probably shouldn't eat the rest of the weekend but they sent me home with leftovers. I can't resist! :)
Oh, my pies were a hit! I did end up telling them I didn't make the pies but I think they appreciated good pies rather than "Allie" made pies. lol.

Have a great Friday. I'm going to do some work today while eating leftovers so don't make fun of me stuffing my face on the voyeur cam pleaseeeee.

~Kisses, Allie


Would it be a terribly hackneyed cliche if I offered some remark about Allie's creampies...?

Hi Hoosier, It wouldn't be and I'm surprised you were the only one that said it. ;)
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Hoosier on Monday, December 2, 2013 at 6:40 PM MTN