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DATE: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 (6:27 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: Happy Hump Day!

Hi guys,

Happy Hump Day! I had so much fun last night at my live cam show! Thanks to everyone that made it. Congrats to “Pirate” on winning my panties! I also had a great time after doing privates after. Love it!

It’s snowing here. I don’t think it’s supposed to be a big snowstorm but a little bit is always nice. :)

I’ve gotten so much done today. It’s one of those days where you actually feel good about all the things you checked off your “to-do” list. I hope tomorrow is just as productive. If I could get my Christmas list completed before Thanksgiving I would be super happy. It seems like the malls are so crazy after Thanksgiving that it takes all the fun out of shopping. I do enjoy the holiday music, decorations and smells. How about you guys? Jake is totally not into Christmas like me. He thinks it’s ridiculous. haha. Which it is if you want to actually think about it but that’s no fun. Baaaa-humbug. ;) He’s lucky that I’m not like most women and need diamonds to make me happy. I’d rather have more practical things like clothes (and shoes and make-up and lingerie and….). Okay, I’ll stop rambling.

Hope you all had a great day and I’ll talk to you tomorrow!

~Kisses, Allie


Glad to be a member of your site, i've cum to your videos for a while. You haven't aged a bit Allie. Still look like your 28. Anyways Hope your weeks going well.

Hi Josher88, Thanks so much for the compliments! I hope you're enjoying everything on my site. :) Please come by and see me tomorrow night at my live cam show!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by josher88 on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 7:06 PM MTN