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DATE: Saturday, November 16, 2013 (2:54 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday everyone!

Gotta big game coming up tomorrow. The Broncos versus the Chiefs! Go Broncos! I woke up this morning to see a big storm blowing in. Here’s the view from my bedroom. I love the snow (especially when I don’t have to leave my house).

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It’s crazy how the weather changes so rapidly here.

I need to take new pics of me in my lucky Bronco panties for the game. What happens when my panties become worn out from too much victory celebrations??? Can I pass on the luckiness to a new pair of panties or does that defeat the purpose of have “a” lucky pair of panties. Hmmmmm. Need to think about that one. I guess I can always tape up my panties when they start to fall apart. lol

Have a wonderful weekend and get into some naughty trouble for me!

~Kisses, Allie