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DATE: Friday, November 1, 2013 (9:06 AM MTN)
SUBJECT: TGIF! The Panty Winner Is.....

Hi guys,

Did you all have a Sppoktacular Halloween? I think I ate way too much candy. I always tell myself, “It’s Halloween, you have a pass to eat as much candy as you want.” And guess what I do? I eat a lot of candy. Now I’m paying for it. haha.

I wanted to announce the winner of the panty giveaway and it is *drum roll* ----- “Outdoorguy”! Please email me with your name and mailing address so that I can get your prize out to you right away!

I’m so excited I finally switched my cell service to Verizon from AT&T. I can actually talk on my phone now. I’ve only had my new service for a day and a half and it’s amazing! It’s so sad that I’m excited about that. :)

Hope you guys have a great Friday!

~Kisses, Allie


hey allie thanks so much, I just sent you an email!

Posted by outdoorguy on Friday, November 1, 2013 at 10:01 AM MTN

happy halloween...great pics on twitter...hope you will post others..

Posted by ajbo1234 on Friday, November 1, 2013 at 10:18 AM MTN

jake had the time to get that bedroom cardio in to work off some of that candy ya ate? lol. may just go straight to your booty! do yall fuck daily or ya blow him?

Posted by DMAn on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 5:16 AM MTN

jake had the time to get that bedroom cardio in to work off some of that candy ya ate? lol. may just go straight to your booty! do yall fuck daily or ya blow him?

Posted by DMAn on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 5:17 AM MTN

Awesome news maybe we can chat it up I have verizon and it's free to hit u up. :-) perhaps I can be on the phone while you get jake to fuck those big tits ;-)

Posted by Ghost on Monday, November 4, 2013 at 8:22 AM MTN

How was your weekend? You get any more snow at your place? I wish I was lucky enough to have won your panties:)

Posted by Jarvis on Monday, November 4, 2013 at 8:38 AM MTN