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DATE: Friday, October 5, 2012 (11:51 AM MTN)
SUBJECT: Camp Dick!

Hi guys,

Sorry I went MIA for a couple of days. Jake surprised me with a little romantic getaway to Vail. It was soooo nice. :) But now back to the real world.

I wanted to share a pic with you that I took last weekend while out 4 wheelin in our Jeep. I finally found the perfect campground for me! haha. I need to bring all my girlfriends there.

campdick01 (610k image)

Hope you guys are having a great Friday and have big plans for the weekend. I have something brewing for tomorrow night. Hope it pans out!

Big Kisses!

Oh, I forgot to post a pic from my trip to Vail. Love that place!

candid10031201 (572k image)


Lovely photos. A great weekend wish for you and yours and my fellow members and posters here!

Hi Hoosier, Thank you so much! Hope you had a great one too!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Hoosier on Friday, October 5, 2012 at 1:29 PM MTN

love the candids

Hi Kitkk, Thanks!!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by kitkk on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at 3:37 PM MTN

Hey Allie. It's not even fair how sexy you are!! Since we're both in Colorado, maybe we could meet at your "perfect campground". I'll bring the strange dick. Sound alright to you? ;)

Hi Sexybod1, Oh wow, thank you! Sounds good to me! haha!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by sexybod1 on Sunday, October 7, 2012 at 1:34 PM MTN

woot there we go pats beat those broncos

Hi daveshaw, boooooo! lol
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by daveshaw1991 on Sunday, October 7, 2012 at 2:39 PM MTN