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DATE: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 (5:33 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: Members Only Live Cam Chat Tonight!!

Hi guys,

Please don’t forget about my Members Only Live Cam Chat tonight at 9PM Eastern. I’ll be giving away my panties. You must be present to win!

Oh, I want to thank “Viper” for the delicious homemade cookies he sent me! OMG, so good and I loved the note!! haha. You’re the best-est! That was so sweet!

Don’t forget about sending me your address for a Valentine’s Day card if you’re interested this year. I do this every year but you must email and request one if you want to receive a card. It’s a signed photo card of me. :) Please send your name, address and your username to my site. Again, you must request one if you’re interested in one. This is a physical card – not an email. I never send out anything to you guys unless you ask me to.

Have a great night and I’ll see ya in a few!

~Kisses, Allie