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DATE: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 (3:25 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: Packing For Our Trip

Hey guys,

Still feeling pretty blah today. I’ll do a few things and take a break, do a few things and take another break. It’s really sad. lol. Now I find out we’re expecting serious snow tonight and tomorrow which means…….probable flight delays! Yaaaahhhh! lol. I really hope we don’t have any issues. It’s one thing to feel bad but throw in being stuck at the airport for hours and you’re going to have a crazy girl on your hands. Okay, wow talk about Debbie Downer. Sorry about that.

Okay here is one of the pics from my night with Samantha. This pic was taken at her house after we had a yummy dinner and a naughty visit to the strip club. Yes, it’s blurry. You can say thanks to the phone camera. So at this point nothing too crazy has happened other than kissing and groping. lol

candid12211101 (217k image)

I can’t tell you how excited Jake and I are about meeting this hot couple that lives nearby. You’ll be seeing more for sure!

Okay, I’ve got to get back to packing for our trip. We’re leaving tomorrow but I’ll still be updating my journal while I’m away. Hope you all have a fantastic day and a wonderful holiday! We’ll be back Monday night. :)

~Kisses, Allie


No update in today's entry about your illness, so I hope it's on the wane and that you'll be able to enjoy your upcoming travel and holiday period in the peak of health. I spent all last week suffering with what appeared to be flu-like symptoms and am still recovering from them. And this despite having gotten a flu shot two months ago--I want my money back! Happy holidays to you and all my fellow members and posters here!

Posted by Hoosier on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 at 3:43 PM MTN

All pics are good pics LOL! Although I really am on pins and needles awaiting the first official, high-res photo set or vid (after you get well and complete your Christmas obligations, of course!) Seriously, I'm glad you guys found truly suitable swing playmates! It is so hard to do, as we both well know. Safe travels and Ho! Ho! Ho!

Posted by Topgun Tex on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 at 4:51 PM MTN

All pics are good pics LOL! Although I really am on pins and needles awaiting the first official, high-res photo set or vid (after you get well and complete your Christmas obligations, of course!) Seriously, I'm glad you guys found truly suitable swing playmates! It is so hard to do, as we both well know. Safe travels and Ho! Ho! Ho!

Posted by Topgun Tex on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 at 4:51 PM MTN

I hope you have a safe trip Allie!!! Maybe ill bump into you while your in NC! What part you visiting?

Posted by Firerhino on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 at 6:09 PM MTN

Well "Debbie Downer", Hope you tried the chicken soup, and I hope you have a glorious holidays with family. It will be some what sad and lonely without you on the other end but some things are more important.
Be safe and God Bless.

Posted by David69 on Thursday, December 22, 2011 at 4:20 AM MTN

Hi Allie - new to the site an can I just say how stunning you are!! Your body is perfect and you come across as a lovely person (as well as a really sex-mad one!!) can't wait to get to know ya!!

Posted by Paddy on Sunday, December 25, 2011 at 5:29 AM MTN

Hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year Allie. Can't wait for your return, loaded for bear so watch
Just sure has been lonely and quite without you.
Hurry back and have a safe trip my friend.

Posted by David69 on Monday, December 26, 2011 at 7:30 AM MTN