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DATE: Monday, May 22, 2006 (5:54 PM MTN)

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

I have great news! My girlfriend Julie has finally opened her site. I know she’s really excited about it because she has so many videos and photos to share with everyone. She will also be doing shows on Camz. I think her first one is tomorrow night. Julie is a great friend of mine and she is the hottest babe around. I told her I would tell everyone about her site’s grand opening once she was ready. CLICK HERE TO SEE JULIE’S SITE

I’m really excited to see you guys tomorrow! I have a live cam show at 2PM Eastern time and a Members Only Live Cam Chat at 9PM Eastern time. I hope you’re ready to get off with me!

Have a great day and I will talk to you tomorrow!

~Kisses, Allie


Hi Allie

I think you are doing a dis-service to yourself when you state Julie is the hotest babe around; I really think you are. I will admit though that Julie is extremely hot herself. I have been watching for her site to open and joined yesterday when I noticed it was up. After all, two hot babes are better than one.

Have a good one.


Hi MG, awwwww, thank you! I agree! Two hot babes are better than one. So is three and four, etc. Have a great night!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by MG 69 on Monday, May 22, 2006 at 8:19 PM MTN

Gidday Hot One,

Must say MG 69 is quite correct. You are without a doubt the hottest babe on the Internet. Although your site is no where near the same type (and thank goodness for that) of porn sites as a lot of the "professional" sites (there are so many shit "pro" sites out there, who are only out to get your money and give you nothing in return) but your site Allie as run by mainly you and Jake gives it's members no bullshit, only great photos, videos and your journal (love reading the questions and your replies) and your cams (even love seeing you on your home cam, don't need to see you naked all the time, sometimes it's more erotic to see you "covered up"
Love your site, love you and all you do to please your members.......Allie Rules.

Hi Wazza, Wow, thank you! You are too sweet! I do love my site and everything that goes along with it. If I were doing this just for money and didn’t enjoy it I wouldn’t update my journal, do live cam shows and answer members emails. HAHA, I’m glad you don’t mind looking at me covered up on housecamz. Sometimes I get so cold that I can’t help but have a lot of clothes on. I’m sure it’s not sexy but I can’t help it. :) hehe. Thanks Wazza for the awesome comment. You’ve made my day. :)
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Wazza on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 4:35 AM MTN

hi just joined and looking forward to lots of sex and fun

Hi Peters, Welcome to my site! I’m looking forward to sharing lots of sex and fun with you. :)
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by peters on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 1:20 PM MTN

Thanks for the info on Julie's site, she is a hottie but no-one beats you! It is true what they say, hot girls have hot friends, just look at you with Julie, Rio, Raven........the list goes on. Thank you my dear for hosting such a great site! We all love it!

Hi Diver Down, hehe – I think I’m so lucky to have such hot friends. Thank you so much for the compliments. You guys are what make my site the best!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Diver Down on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 2:29 PM MTN

Hi Allie,
I agree with everyone here you are the HOTTEST but you also have HOT GIRLFRIENDS too *wink*. I hope to see you tonight at the member chat.

LOL Btw Allie I will be parking in my garage before summer is out---hehe *wink*. Hahahaha

Licks & Spanks, Bob

Hi Hammer, I will be looking for you tonight! HAHA, I’ll be following up on your garage project once the summer is almost up. I’ll need a pic of your car parked in the garage so I can verify you did complete the project. haha – just joking.
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Bob aka Hammer25 on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 4:18 PM MTN