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DATE: Saturday, May 20, 2006 (8:57 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: How's Your Day Going?

Hi guys,

How’s everyones weekend going so far? Jake and I are pretty busy with work but hope to get out for dinner or something tomorrow night.

I miss you all and am already fantasizing about our date on Tuesday (my live cam show). hehe.

Have a great night and I will talk to you tomorrow.

~Kisses, Allie


Hi Allie, how are you doing today? I am doing pretty good myself enjoying the weekend. Yesterday was beautiful outside. For most of the day I was out in my garage trying to organize everything so I can get my car parked in there again. LOL Definitely a work in progress. After working in the garage for awhile I just chilled out the rest of the night and watched some movies.
Yes Allie there is something to be said about all the beautiful things in Hawaii. That means everything especially the HOT LADIES. Lauren is no exception--*wink* nice update.
Allie I think every member fantasizes about being with you and even though we are all over the world we enjoy every erotic moment. We all love getting off with you and watching you. *wink*
On that note I will leave now. See you in my dreams. I can't wait until the chat tuesday night. They are always a fun hour with you. Take care.

Licks & Spanks, Bob

Hi Hammer, I’m doing great thanks! I’m glad you’re doing well. :) You’ve been working on that garage for a long time now haven’t you?? hehe. I’m just giving you a hard time. Garages are always a huge project to clean. Good luck with that. I’m looking forward to Tuesday night too! Hopefully we’ll have a huge crowd with lots of men and women. hehe. :) Have a great rest of your weekend!
~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Bob aka Hammer25 on Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 8:35 AM MTN