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DATE: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 (2:56 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: I've Added Something Special For You Today

Hi guys,

I’ve got to start packing! I hate traveling! I know I say that before every trip I take but it’s true. Luckily when I travel to warm sunny places my clothes are small and they don’t take up a lot of space. :)

Since I won’t be around this week for my live cam shows and I won’t be able to update this Friday I’ve added a whole new site for your viewing pleasure. I know you’re going to like this one. Jake actually stumbled across this site so you’ll have to thank him for finding it. It’s called WILD COLLEGE FUCK PARTIES and you can find it on the FREE BONUS SITES page. Enjoy it!

We are supposed to have high-speed internet access in Curacao so I shouldn’t have any problems updating my journal while I’m away. I’ll miss you guys!

Have a great day!

~Kisses, Allie


My brother lives east of Denver---looks like a good time to hit the warmer climes. Look forward to hearing of your adventures there--- Strokin' just for you Allie

Posted by Chazzy on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 3:30 PM MTN

so is valerie going to be on members only chat tonight as a special guest? lol

Posted by bob on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 4:49 PM MTN

thanks allie.for the nice are you? that';s cool you and valerie are both feel free to stay in touch.have fun girl

Posted by kara on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 11:41 PM MTN

Hi Allie~
I got Jakes email:) hehe So did you get lucky that night haha! Hope you are having fun!

bob~ Sorry I missed the member chat:( I wasa little bust Tuesday evening. Maybe I'll come in tonight and seeing as how its my b-day today hehe I'll wear my b-day suit haha! We shall see. I might be doing something tonght, I'm not sure

Kara~ How's it going girlie? Have you been in the member chat before? Do you have a cam? hehe From what I hear you are quite the hottie!!! Hope all is well with you girl:)


Posted by Valerie on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 12:16 PM MTN


Missing you already. Please hurry back.
My back must be better. It got a thorough workout Friday night and Saturday morning. Yes miracles upon miracles, I got laid, yeeeeehaaaa!!!

Hey Valerie, happy birthday darling. Here's a big birthday kiss for you.

Luv and kisses to the hot blonde xxxxxxxx (I know Valerie got more kisses than you, but it is her birthday). For everyone's reference my birthday is in 2 weeks on the 27th.....All presents accepted lol.

Posted by AlanintheUK aka the Giraffeman on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 3:26 PM MTN

I wasn't really being serious about tuesday, but if you are going to visit the chat tonight.. let us know what time :)

Posted by bob on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 4:57 PM MTN

Hi Chazzy, Yes it will be nice to hang out on the beach for a few days. Although I really like the chilly weather. I’ll definitely try to have a blast while I’m away. Thanks for the comment and have a great night.

Hi Bob, I wasn’t at the chat last night so I don’t know what happened. I hope you all had a special guest to keep you busy. :) Thanks for the comment and have a great night.

Hi Kara, No problem. :) I’m great thanks and I hope you’re doing great as well. Thanks for the comment and have a great night.

Hi Valerie, Hell yeah! Those pictures you sent over got him so horny he fucked the hell out of me. :) You should send over more so I can get lucky every night! WooHoo! I’ve never seen pics of Kara before (I think you thinking of Sophia) but Kara should join us for the Members chat and get on cam! It would be great to have more girls there. Thanks for the comment Val and have a Happy BIRTHDAY!

Hi Alan, WooHoo, you got laid!! That’s what I like to hear. Wouldn’t you love it if you started getting a bunch of presents in the mail from my members?? HAHA – that would be great! Thanks for the comment and don’t worry I never get jealous. Send Val all the kisses you want. :)

~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Allie on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 6:16 PM MTN