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DATE: Saturday, October 1, 2005 (8:57 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: Happy Saturday!

Hi guys,

Thanks for the great comments on my latest photo set. I knew you guys would enjoy seeing Rio again. She’s so damn hot! I really hope I run into her soon (and her hubby).

Hope you all are having a great day. The weather has been amazing here in Colorado and is supposed to be the same tomorrow. I love it!

Have a great night and I will talk to you tomorrow!

~Kisses, Allie


Hey Allie, its the beginning of October... so, its time to start thinking about Halloween costumes! Do you have any ideas for what you want to be? I'm going to be Puss in Boots. Isn't that a hot idea? I bet you're going to be something really sexy. Um... you could be a kittie cat and be an "Allie cat." Wow, I am such a dork.

Posted by Sophia on Sunday, October 2, 2005 at 3:15 AM MTN

Sophia! I LOVE that idea for Allie's costume!! hehe I don't think its a dorky idea:)

I didnt have alot of time to post a comment on your last set of pics but all I have to say is YUMMY!! hehe:) I forgot my camera the other night, but another girl took some pics and she said she will send them to me, so as soon as I get them I'll email them to you hehe:) Fun night I tell ya! On another note, I'm going to my FIRST football game today!!! Joe got these amazing sky box tickets from the guy who works at our bank, so I'm excited!!!We finished our basement livingroom last night! YAY!!! haha~ Joe had to lay the carpet though because our guy didn't show up. Punk! We did it all by ourselves hehe I painted :-P haha:) Looks pretty though! Joe is getting some plasma tv as we speak. I can't wait!!!
Gotta run and get ready for the game! Talk to ya later hunny!

Posted by Valerie on Sunday, October 2, 2005 at 10:37 AM MTN

Hey Allie,

Why arent your house cams up? More contractor work? I miss seeing you in the shower. I hope you get them up soon. Hope you had a great weekend.

Posted by Rick on Sunday, October 2, 2005 at 2:47 PM MTN

Hi Sophia, I do have a few ideas up my sleeve! :) Puss In Boots sounds so cute! You’ll have to send me pics! Hmmmmm, “Allie Cat” could be an idea. Thanks for the comment and ideas! Have a great day. :)

Hi Valerie, I can’t believe you forgot your camera!! I hope your friend took a lot of great pics of you. :) I hope you have fun at the Football game! It sounds like a blast. I know what it’s like to wait around on contractors and then they decide to come another day. Urgh! I hate that! Have fun for me today! :)

Hi Rick, My housecamz were down for a little while due to a connection problem. They are back up now. Luckily we haven’t had any workers in the house all weekend. It’s been so nice. Thanks for the comment and have a great day!

~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Allie on Sunday, October 2, 2005 at 3:18 PM MTN