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DATE: Sunday, April 10, 2005 (5:34 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: It Keeps Snowing!

Hi guys,

It has been snowing all night, all day and it’s supposed to continue tonight too! The snow is so deep that every time I let the dogs outside they disappear in the snow. It’s soooo funny! Jake and I have been working but we took a break to make Smores and watch the snow come down. I love this place! I think I’ll have Smores for dinner too. I love sweets.

Hope you guys are having a great evening and I will talk to you tomorrow!

~Kisses, Allie


Hi Allie how is your relaxing weekend going for you? WOW the snow is that deep??? Do you have any idea how much you have there? Hey Allie I almost wish you would video the dogs disappearing in the snow when you let them out. I'll bet that is way toooooo funny to see. LOL Smores for dinner??? I always thought that I ate weird things at strange times but you are too funny---hehe LOL. Allie I miss you and can't wait to see you tuesday night ---which by the way I did happen to notice was an 8pm EST show on ACH. It really seems like those 4 days you don't have a camshow last so long. I guess when we are lucky enough to catch you in the shower it kind of makes up for it at least---hehe *wink*. Well I hope you and Jake have a really relaxing night and I sure will be there tuesday night to get off with you. Bye. Licks & Spanks, Bob

Posted by Bob aka Hammer25 on Sunday, April 10, 2005 at 6:07 PM MTN

Hey Allie~
Well, I had some free time tonight and though I would say hello:) Thats so funy about you and the Smores! I am totally opposite, salty foods are my weakness. Chips and dip...its bad! Mostly Andy Cap's hot friesdo the trick for me. anyhow, I hope you had a great weekend. Snow?? hehe, its been in the high 60 and 70's this weekend here in Maryland! I love warm weather!! Can't wait for Mexico..May is creaping up fast! YEA BABY!! haha. Talk to you later sweetie.

Posted by Valerie on Sunday, April 10, 2005 at 7:20 PM MTN

Hi Allie:
Looks like CO. caught the last of the seasons big storms. Here in MN, we had a pretty mild winter, and, it's already been up to 70. In fact, the tulips are starting to pop up. I noticed you had a new picture on the site entrance. It's a great look. Thanks for the new video as well. Take care; and, I hope I catch one or two of your shows this week. Mitch

Posted by mitch on Sunday, April 10, 2005 at 9:28 PM MTN

Hey gorgeous,
I know what that is all about, i lived in upstate new york all my life. I spent two weeks in the rockies this past june, it was amazing. Thanks for your reply to my post yesterday, and ive got a possible solution to ur small mouth problem, im sure this wont really happen, but... I might possibly be perfect size for you to take completely in your mouth. I have helped a few girls realize that it was possible to hit the back of their throat with a cock. Plus im in florida, a nice break from the cold. Hope to talk to you soon

Posted by Joshua on Sunday, April 10, 2005 at 9:45 PM MTN

I think all that snow is a good thing for your members. Allie pics in a snow bunny outfit sounds great to me. :o) Hope you and your dogs enjoy the snow. Stay warm and stay naughty.

Posted by rdbravo on Monday, April 11, 2005 at 5:27 AM MTN

Hey Allie,

Hey I am brand new to the site and I can't believe how cute you are. I am in college and some how you ended up in my favorites. I am sure it was during one of my drunkin nights on either friday of saturday. I am just extremly happy that you ended up in my favorites. Hope you got my e-mails and hope to hear from you soon.

Your soon to be stalker, no just playing
Eric " DJ Xtremeo "

P.S. you should come down and party with me. Gotta love

Posted by DJ Xtremeo on Monday, April 11, 2005 at 1:09 PM MTN


Good stuff. I see that you have a photo shoot of an anal scene, and its damn hot. Is there not a video to for the photo shoot. I noticed theres not one anal video. Thats cool, I just thought the photo shoot was hot and a video would be ridiculous,


Posted by Samson on Monday, April 11, 2005 at 5:09 PM MTN

I'm sorry this is not pertaining to the snow I just downloaded jake pops two cherries and its only about 8 seconds of footage whats up wit that babygirl?

Posted by 10" blaqcock on Monday, April 11, 2005 at 5:24 PM MTN

Hi Hammer, Yes the snow was two feet deep! It was beautiful today and most of it melted away. I do have a horrible appetite. I eat whatever I want whenever I want it. I’m sure that’s not a very healthy diet but I’ve always ate what I craved. Thanks for reminding me about the ACH show. I will change that on my Live Cam Schedule right away. Thanks for the comment and have a great night!

Hi Valerie, I like salty foods too but if I have something sweet laying around I go for that first. hehe. I think I just like food in general! HAHA! Sounds like the weather is great there. I think it’s going to be in the 70’s here starting tomorrow which will be awesome. I’m sure you’re excited about Mexico. I would love to go back. I received my cute little T-shirt today in the mail! I’ll have to wear it soon on HouseCamz so you can see it. Thanks again for sending me the link so I could buy it! Have a great!!

Hi Mitch, Yes, I have a new pic on my Members Entrance. I like to change it up a bit so it doesn’t get old. hehe. :) Glad you like it! I hope I see you at one of my upcoming shows this week! Thanks for the comment and have a great night!

Hi Joshua, Thanks for offering to help with my small mouth problem. You’re sooooo sweet! :) Unfortunately that wouldn’t solve my problem with cocks bigger than yours. :) I still wouldn’t be able to fit them in my mouth. Thanks for the comment and have a great night!

Hi RDBravo, Yes, I still want to do the Snow Bunny video. I need to do it before the snow melts away! Thanks for the comment and have a great night!

Hi DJ Xtremeo, Welcome to my site! Thank you so much for the compliment! I did receive your email and I’ll reply as soon as I can. Usually give me 24 hours to get back to you but I promise I always write back! Thanks for the comment and have a great night.

Hi Samson, Unfortunately Jake could only hold one camera while plowing my ass that day. So we only have photos of the whole event. I wish I did have a video and I do have an anal video on my to-do list! Thanks for the comment and have a great night!

Hi 10”, If you have any technical problems CLICK HERE. I can’t have you not seeing my entire videos!!! :)

~Kisses, Allie

Posted by Allie on Monday, April 11, 2005 at 8:49 PM MTN