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DATE: Saturday, October 2, 2004 (9:58 PM MTN)
SUBJECT: I Love Target!

Hi everyone!

Happy Saturday! Jake and I just returned home from “Super Target”!! I could spend hours shopping there. I think Jake acts like he’s enjoying our Target trip but doesn’t get as excited as me. He’s so nice. :-) I go shopping without a shopping list and that’s not good. I have nothing that I need but I go in hopes of finding something I want. That’s not very smart. But it’s fun and that’s what’s important!! :-) hehe.

Have a great night and I will talk to you tomorrow.

~Kisses, Allie


Hi Allie, how is your weekend going? Target huh---LOL I guess there is no getting away from them since they are all over the country. LOL Well Allie I know what you mean about shopping there though because I am exactly the same way. Who needs shopping lists when you go to a store that has everything you need and more---hehe *wink* LOL Allie I'm surprised they don't sell your favorite ice cream too. Well my beautiful friend keep smiling and enjoy your sunday. I will see you tuesday night at your camshow. Love Always, Bob XoXoXoXoXoXo

Posted by Bob aka Hammer25 on Saturday, October 2, 2004 at 11:13 PM MTN

Hey Allie,
I hope that you are having a good weekend. We have finally got our computer back in proper working order. I couldn't get the thing to let me go to certain websites and view anything. It was a bit too well protected from outside attacks. Hope that you continue to have a great weekend and look forward to seeing your next hot show.


Posted by Dale and Olivia on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 7:41 AM MTN

Well Happy Saturday to you too, Allie! I actually spent my morning doing the exact same thing in Super Wal-Mart with my boyfriend. Weird!

But let me tell you something you already are so lucky to have Jake. I suggested to my boyfriend this morning that we go to a strip club to have some fun with the girls and he said no!! He said it could ruin our reputations. I guess I'll just have to go without him!! :) It just looked like you and Jake had so much fun at the strip club in your photo set!!

Posted by Jo on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 8:09 AM MTN

Hi Allie,

leave it to you to not only find a Target , but a Super Target. Sounds like Jake is a normal guy to me... Thank him again for exposing the boobies on the chat the other night. (wish i could have done it myself)

see you Tuesday!!!

Posted by Gregg2004 on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 8:15 AM MTN

ha Allie,hope u'r weekend is going good,did u find any paint? super target,lol! u'r awesome,u go shopping and enjoy, take some pictures of that country side,would like to paste some as wallpaper :-)hugsssssss grownup,

Posted by grownup on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 9:59 AM MTN

Hi Allie,

This message is actually for Jo, who wrote in your Journal response to "I love Target" as the subject, who expressed that her boyfriend wouldnt acompany her to a strip club.

Jo, sweetheart, I'll be more than happy to acompany you to a strip club, you're just the babe I've been looking for, a women who apareantly loves sex as much as I do and isnt afraid to show it!! And who knows, maybe if we're fortunate enough, Jake and Allie will invite us to one of their sessions. If you're interested please write back this fourm, take care.


Posted by Rob on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 10:51 AM MTN

Hi Allie I see on this week's upcoming schedule you don't have a tuesday night show---bummer. That means I have to wait an extra day---oh no not again --LOL j/k. I hope you and Jake are having a good weekend anyway sexy lady. I guess I shall see you when you have your next evening show. Take care Allie--love ya. Always HARD For YOU!!!!!!!! Bob XoXoXoXoXo

Posted by Bob aka Hammer25 on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 4:43 PM MTN


Allie, please get that Tuesday timeslot back!!! What will we do without you?

Sorry Rob, but if Jo gets together with anybody on this board it will be me!! We have been getting pretty tight over the last few months!!!

Posted by Gregg2004 on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 5:49 PM MTN

Hey Gregg,

Why dont we let Jo decide, brother. A little competion wouldnt hurt, good luck.


Posted by Rob on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 6:32 PM MTN

Hi Hammer, My weekend has been awesome and I hope your weekend has been great too! You're right! Shopping lists are for dorks!! hehe - just joking. Yes, I didn't get my usual time slot for Tuesday nights! I hate how their system is set up. Every week I have to schedule for the following week so if I'm not quick enough someone can take my time slot. All of the other cam systems keep me at the same time each week. So my next evening show will be on Wednesday night. Thanks for the comment and have a great night.

Hi Dale and Olivia, I'm glad everything is working for you now. Hopefully you guys won't have that happen to you again anytime soon. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys at my next show! Have a great night!

Hi Jo, So you're a Wal-mart fanatic and I'm a Target freak. I think we have way too much in common! Tell you're boyfriend to loosen up! haha - just joking. Please don't take my advice on relationships. Going to strip clubs is so much fun with Jake. It's nice to get attention from the hotties dancing and also see Jake enjoy himself. It's really awesome to get a couples lap dance! Maybe one day your boyfriend will break free and will accompany you to a strip club. :-) Thanks for the comment and have a great night.

Hi Gregg2004, Jake said no problem on exposing my tits for everyone on Housecamz Thursday nights. :-) Like I told Hammer, I wasn't able to snatch my Tuesday night's time slot before someone else got it. I'm really sorry about that. I do have the 9:00PM slot for the following week. I'll try to stay on top of things next time.

Hi grownup, No, I didn't get any paint. I think I'm taking Jo's advice and not painting my master bedroom. It's just too much work for me now. Maybe sometime later this year. Don't worry I'll be taking plenty of photos of beautiful Colorado! Thanks for the comment and have a great night.

~Kisses, Allie,

Posted by Allie on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 6:40 PM MTN