The videos you'll find here are all from my own personal private home video collection that I'm posting so my members can experience all my naughty sexual adventures first hand. I launched my site in 2003 so some of the videos are older but there's no need to worry about quality. As of 2016 I have digitally remastered all of my videos so you get to experience them at todays higher quality standards. In addition to remastering them I deliver my videos to you using highly sophisticated adaptive bit rate streaming which senses your connection speed and delivers the very best quality stream your connection can handle without buffering. It also supports any device or OS whether it's a phone, tablet or desktop computer. Feel free to take a look at any of the videos below to sample the quality of the videos on your device, the quality you see here in my free guest area is the same quality you will experience in my members area. As of now, all my new videos are being shot in stunningly clear 4K resolution so you almost feel like you're right there in the middle of the action. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I'm always looking for people to be in my videos with me so if you're interested Contact Me here and tell me a little about yourself. ~Kisses, Allie

I'm sure you already know that I have a real weakness for French-Canadian girls! Their accents alone are enough to get my juices flowing. Malezia is a prime example of what I'm talking about! The moment I laid eyes on this 18-year-old hottie I just knew I had to get into her pants. The first time I saw her was at a party where she was wearing some really tight low cut jeans, and a cropped blouse that left her pierced belly button fully exposed for all to see. As she walked by, our eyes locked and we stared lustfully at each...