The videos you'll find here are all from my own personal private home video collection that I'm posting so my members can experience all my naughty sexual adventures first hand. I launched my site in 2003 so some of the videos are older but there's no need to worry about quality. As of 2016 I have digitally remastered all of my videos so you get to experience them at todays higher quality standards. In addition to remastering them I deliver my videos to you using highly sophisticated adaptive bit rate streaming which senses your connection speed and delivers the very best quality stream your connection can handle without buffering. It also supports any device or OS whether it's a phone, tablet or desktop computer. Feel free to take a look at any of the videos below to sample the quality of the videos on your device, the quality you see here in my free guest area is the same quality you will experience in my members area. As of now, all my new videos are being shot in stunningly clear 4K resolution so you almost feel like you're right there in the middle of the action. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I'm always looking for people to be in my videos with me so if you're interested Contact Me here and tell me a little about yourself. ~Kisses, Allie

As you all know Jake and I went on a business trip to Miami last week. I found myself spending quite a bit of time hanging out on our balcony. Why you ask? Well, it was the perfect place to check out all the hotties running around on the beach. One afternoon all those perfectly tanned, half naked bodies got the better of me. We were planning to head down to the beach for a better look and to see if we could find someone, guy, gal, or couple to invite up to our room for a private party, if you know what I mean. Unfortunately,...
This video is another member request fulfilled! Marc wrote me a couple days ago saying that he had sort of a fetish for girls masturbating while taking a bubble bath. He asked if I could do a video where I fucked myself senseless in the bathtub using a giant dildo. Well, fuck that was easy enough since I get myself off four or five times a day anyway. Plus, it gave me a good excuse to take a nice long bath and get myself off several more times than usual. I selected one of my thicker pink plastic dildos with a suction cup on...
This video is for all you voyeurs out there. One of my members requested a movie of me showering. Jason was very specific about what he was hoping to see. He asked me to shoot this video from a perspective that would have the viewer feeling they were actually standing there peeping over the shower stall door as I showered. I got very aroused doing this video because I really felt as if I were being watched and that’s a huge fucking turn-on for me. I’m really just a hardcore exhibitionist at heart and I genuinely get off on...