Billing F.A.Q.

Q1: How do I cancel my membership?

A1: You can cancel anytime. Click here to cancel your membership.

Q2: I lost or forgot my password! How do I get it back?

A2: Instant login recovery! Click here to instantly recover your login information now.

Q3: How will the charge for this website appear on my credit card, debit card, bank statement, etc?

A3: Your statement will be discreetly billed as " *Apex Technol” or something very similar depending on your bank. In any case there will be no reference to “NaughtyAllie” or anything of an adult nature regardless of your bank. Click Here to see the most common billing descriptor that will appear on your bank or credit card statement.

Q4: If I cancel my membership before the 30 days are up will I lose my access to the site?

A4: Absolutely not! You paid for 30 days access and you will receive 30 days access to the site regardless of when you cancel. You can cancel your rebilling the same day you join the site and you will still have access for the 30 days you've paid for. When you cancel, you're not cancelling your access to the site you are cancelling the next rebilling cycle so that you will not be billed for an additional month. If you would like your membership to continue uninterrupted simply do nothing and at the end of your initial 30 days your card will automatically be billed again until you decide to cancel the billing.